Father of Nation
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah popularly known as Quaid-e-Azam was the founder of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi on 25 December 1876. His father’s name was Jinnah Poonja, and Mother was Mithibai. He belonged to a prominent merchant family of Karachi.
Mr. Jinnah received his early education from Sindh Madarsat-ul-Islam and Christian missionary school in Karachi. He went to England for higher education and got admission at the Lincoln’s Inn law school in London. On his return to India, he became a one of the youngest members of the Bombay High Court at the age of 20,
Mr. Jinnah started his political career with the Indian National Congress in 1906. Then after seven years, he joined the All India Muslim League. He soon gained prominence amongst the Muslim leaders of British India and in 1933 he became the leader of the Muslim League. He thereby became the undisputed leader of all Muslims in India who started to call him Quaid-e-Azam (Great Leader).
In 1940 the Muslim League, under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam adopted the Pakistan resolution at its annual session in Lahore. This gave the Muslims of India the clear direction of achieving a separate homeland for themselves. The Quaid-e-Azam vigorously led the Muslims in their struggle for an independent homeland and Pakistan was created on 14 August 1947. Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor General of Pakistan.
He passed away on 11 September 1948, just 13 months after the creation of this beloved homeland.