Procedure for UN/IOs Visa
Procedure for UN/IOs Visa by Officials/Persons Working for or on behalf of UN Agencies / International Organizations (IOs) including IFIs (Click for Names of Organizations)
They will apply for visas for one of the following categories:
1 | Assignment Visa | 6 weeks |
2 | Short Term Assignment Visa | 4 weeks |
3 | UN Volunteer Visa | 4 weeks |
4 | UN/IO Official Visit | 2 weeks |
(i) General Instructions/Requirements for UN/IOs Visa
The Application Package should contain the following:
- A duly filled-in and signed Visa Application Form (Please Click to download). Category of visa should be specified in the application “Others” column in “Type of visa”.
- A Note Verbale issued by relevant UN Agency/IO (including WB/IMF) in Pakistan or abroad as applicable.
- Duly filled-in and signed Proforma (click for format) by UN Resident Coordinator/Head of relevant organization in Pakistan.
- Processing time will start after submission of completed application in all respects.
- A visa issued under specific category by this High Commission cannot be converted to another category in Pakistan.
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted and processing time for each category will start after receipt of the application, completed in all respects.
(ii) UN/IOs Assignment Visa:
- Application for assignment visa can only be made against already existing/approved or a newly created post.
- If a visa is sought against an already existing post, Note Verbale and the proforma must mention the name and post of the predecessor. In case of a newly created post, approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad has to be provided.
- Assignment visas will be affixed on UNLP or IO issued passports except on national passports of officials of IOM and ICRC and other international organizations which have a Headquarters Agreement with Pakistan.
- Applicants must apply for assignment visas at least six (06) weeks before their intended travel to Pakistan.
- Request for visa extension shall not be entertained at the Mission.
- Prior clearance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad shall be required for any re-assignment/cross-programming of a UN/IO official from one UN Agency/IO to another within Pakistan. At the time of reassignment, if the official is in Pakistan, he/she will not be required to apply afresh for assignment visa. In case he/she is abroad, regular visa regulations will be applicable, as a fresh case.
- General instructions/ requirements would need to be met by applicant.
(iii) UN/IOs Short-term Assignment Visa (Consultants/Experts/ Representatives of INGOs):
- Short-term Assignment Visa will be issued to consultants, experts or representatives of International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) engaged by UN/IO or diplomatic Missions in Pakistan.
- Visa will be issued to representatives of INGOs which are registered in Pakistan. (Please consult this Website for relevant information:
- Short-term Assignment Visa applicants are not eligible to apply for visas of their maids/domestic help.
- Accreditation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Pakistan will not be required under this category.
- No extension of visas or its conversion will be granted under this category.
- In case, short assignment/contract is extended by emplying UN Agency/International Organization, the applicant will need to exit Pakistan and apply afresh for visa from the concerned Mission.
- Applicants of this category must apply at least (04 weeks) before their intended travel to Pakistan.
- General instructions/ requirements would need to be met by applicant.
(iv) UN/IOs Volunteers:
- Volunteers planning to work for UN/IO or diplomatic Missions would be issued Volunteer Visa with single-entry and validity up to six months or for the duration of their volunteer work, whichever is shorter.
- No extension of visa or its conversion in Pakistan will be granted under this category.
- In case, duration of a volunteer is extended by employing UN Agency/International Organization, the applicant will need to exit Pakistan and seek fresh visa from the concerned Mission.
- Applicants must apply for volunteer visa at least four weeks (04 weeks) before their intended travel to Pakistan.
- General instructions/ requirements would need to be met by applicant.
(v) UN/IOs Meetings, Trainings, Conferences and Workshops:
- UN/IO officials/representatives of INGOs registered in Pakistan, who are invited either by Pakistan Government Ministries/Departments or UN Agencies /IO/Diplomatic Missions in Pakistan for participation in meetings, trainings or conferences/seminars will be issued short term single entry visa.
- NO visa extension or its conversion in Pakistan will be granted under this category.
- Applicants must apply for this category of visa at least (02 weeks) before their intended travel to Pakistan.
- General instructions/ requirements would need to be met by applicant.